Economic Analysis

Embridge provides sound economic analysis to support our clients in transfer pricing matters. Our strong economic and legal knowledge ensures intuitive evidence for tax law and competition purposes.

Economics for transfer pricing

Embridge provides a wide range of transfer pricing services ranging from design and implementation to documentation and benchmarking.


Embridge provides valuation services to determine the market value of assets, liabilities or shares or to support the arm’s length nature of intercompany transfers.

Financial transactions

Embridge is specialised in transfer pricing for financials transactions. We offer a broad range of transfer pricing services for the investment industry, including benchmarks to support interest rate, spreads, LTVs and other debt ratios

  • Compliance

    The 3-tiered approach of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines consists of a Country-by-Country report, a Master File and a Local File. All documents need to be aligned in order to avoid inconsistencies. Setting up these documents in the right way can save time and effort in the long run.

  • Design

    When companies develop their business or evolve into new business models, new transfer pricing structures may need to be considered. Understanding the options available may provide the necessary insight to aligning value creation with profit allocation in an efficient way.

  • Dispute Resolution

    The know-how of tax authorities on transfer pricing has significantly increased over the past years. Questions have become more sophisticated and discussions more complex. Getting the right advise may save a lot of time and effort.

  • Tax Valuation

    When transferring intellectuals property. an exit tax may be applicable. Depending on the facts and circumstances various approaches may be available to determine an arm’s length price. Understanding the options available enables tax directors to make a well informed decision.

Transfer Pricing

Embridge provides transfer pricing services ranging from compliance to design. As part of our benchmarking services, we offer benchmarks for a wide range of transactions.


Embridge provides valuation services for tax and accounting purposes. Our reports allign with local tax regulations, OECD TP Guidelines as well as generally accepted accounting principles.

Embridge Economics is an independent advisory firm that offers transfer pricing and valuation services. We offer our services to medium and large multinationals, law firms, legal advisors and accountants. Our services include economic analysis for benchmarking, transfer pricing optimisation, dispute resolution and valuation. Through our international network we offer our services across Europe, US and Asia.

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